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Tips For Giving Your Kids Sweets That Should Not Damage Their Oral Health

Sugar might be fun with it, but they are harmful to your child’s teeth. While your child might love sweets, the bacteria in your child’s mouth will love them even more. Bacteria that cause tooth decay thrive on sugars. As the voice of the family, you should limit the amount of sugar that the family consumes.


Female dental patient smiling with her thumb up

It’s widely known that too much sugar will often result in tooth decay. However, many parents might not be aware of how it exactly happens. Sugar itself does not cause tooth decay, but it’s usually what happens after consuming sugar that often results in tooth decay.

Bacteria may be present in your child’s mouth. The acid produced by these bacteria often dissolves the enamel. Once the enamel becomes porous, tiny holes will begin to form. The holes will get bigger and bigger with time.

When your child eats sugar and does not clean his/her mouth, then the bacteria found in the mouth will use the sugar top feed itself. As the bacteria continue to feed, it begins to form plaque, multiplying, and forming acid.


If you intend on giving your child sweets, then you should give out the sweets as desserts after a meal. This is because, after meals, the amount of saliva is usually high during mealtime, thereby making it much easier to wash debris away from their mouth. A mealtime beverage will also help them remove away any food particles that might have remained behind.

Apart from serving sweets like desserts, it’s also essential to know the limits. Always keep an eye on any added sugar, including sweeteners such as white sugar or corn syrup. At integratedDENTAL we highly recommend that any child three years of age or older, should not consume more than 12.5 tsp of sugar every day.