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Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry – Woodbury, NY

Many patients unfortunately delay or avoid dental treatment due to the stress, fear, and anxiety associated with visiting the dentist. At integratedDENTAL, we understand just how real dental phobia can be and that is why Dr. Alan Jurim received his New York State certification to offer oral sedation services.

Oral sedation is a wonderful option that opens the door to treatment by relieving patient anxiety. For patients that prefer a deeper level of sedation, integratedDENTAL works with licensed IV anesthesiologists that come to our office to safely provide this service to our patients.

Sedation dentistry is ideal for those patients who suffer with dental anxiety, have a severe gag reflex, have troublesome jaw joint soreness, or have difficulty getting numb. Now you can RELAX knowing that you can comfortably and PAINLESSLY address your dental health needs with sedation dentistry, and that treatment can often be completed in a single visit with our on-site laboratory. You can rest assured that Drs. Jurim uses the safest and most reliable sedation techniques since your comfort and well-being is our main concern.

In addition to allowing the highly dental phobic patient address his/her dental needs in just as little as one COMFORTABLE and PAINLESS visit, sedation dentistry often has an amnesia-like aspect such that patients almost have no memory of the treatment visit. Other pleasing benefits of sedation dentistry include:

  • Increasing the effectiveness of the anesthetic so patients feel more numb
  • Reduction in gag reflex
  • Reduction in joint and muscle soreness following treatment
  • Reduction in treatment time, which equates to fewer treatment visits

Speak with Dr. Alan Jurim today to see which sedation dentistry option is right for you.


  • Traumatic dental history
  • Resistance to anesthetics
  • Overdeveloped gag reflex
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Complex and elaborate dental problems
  • Limited time to devote to dentist visits
  • Fear of needles, drills and shots
  • Anxiety caused by the noises, the smells and the tastes associated with dental care


For patients that elect oral conscious sedation, the night before your dental appointment Dr. Alan usually prescribes a mild sedative to help you sleep through the night. The next morning, without eating or drinking, you will be instructed to take your prescribed medications that will allow you to reduce your fear and anxiety while drastically increasing comfort throughout your treatment. Many patients sleep through their appointment while some remain relaxed in a “twilight” state always allowing for much more dentistry to be performed in single visit. Combined with our same-day crown treatment option, patients can minimize sedation appointments and maximize what we can complete for the time you are with us.

For patients who choose IV sedation, specific instructions as to the procedure will be discussed with you at length during a phone interview with our IV anesthesiologist.


Will I be asleep during sedation dentistry?

No. You will be in a relaxed, tranquil state – but not asleep.

Why do people choose sedation dentistry?

Some people elect sedation dentistry because they have sensitive teeth or exaggerated gag reflexes, while others have limited time for a visit or want to avoid discomfort and anxiety during their visit.

Will I be able to drive to or from my dentist appointment?

No. You will be taking a tranquilizing medication beforehand, and such drugs may impede your ability to drive. To be safe, ask a friend or family member to give you a ride to your appointment and a ride home after the appointment.

Is sedation dentistry safe?

Absolutely. You will be monitored at all times by dental assistants to make sure that you are not in any danger. You will never be alone and the procedure is completely safe.

Are You A Candidate?

There are many factors that help determine whether or not you are a good candidate for sedation dentistry. If your fear about dental work creates anxiety during visits, you may be an optimal candidate for sedation dentistry.