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What Happens To Your Tooth Enamel If You Brush Too Roughly?

It might seem like the best thing to do to take care of your oral hygiene is to brush your teeth as roughly as possible to get out all the bacteria, debris, and plaque. In fact, the harder you brush, the more counterproductive it becomes to get your teeth clean and sustain the ideal oral health.


Woman with a pretty smile

The enamel on your teeth is one of the hardest surfaces in your body. It prevents your teeth from damage, bacteria, and other trauma. However, this enamel is not invincible. If it is significantly damaged it cannot repair itself. One way that enamel becomes damaged is by continually brushing your teeth too hard.

This wears away and erodes the enamel, which acts as a hard protective shield to your teeth and the nerves close to the surface. Damaged enamel will leave your teeth susceptible to the bacteria and acids that food leaves behind. This damage could then lead to cavities or further problems if not treated.


Enamel is a white, glossy covering of your teeth. If it is eroded away from the constant rough brushing or harsh flossing, your teeth will begin to change color. They will either begin to look yellow or a darker shade of their natural hue. Enamel that is damaged or eroded does not have the full protective capability of your teeth.

Therefore, the nerve endings that are close to the surface of your teeth can become damaged which makes your teeth sensitive. Drinking or eating hot or cold foods will become difficult due to this increased sensitivity, or eating harder foods could become painful with the additional pressure on your teeth.

If you believe you might be brushing your teeth too hard, we are here to help. Call our integratedDENTAL professionals today, to discuss best practices of brushing and flossing your teeth to keep them white, healthy, and strong.

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