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Cosmetic Bonding

Cosmetic Bonding – Woodbury, NY

Cosmetic bonding is a dental procedure where a dentist will add a composite resin to a tooth to enhance its shape or repair a chip. We craft the resin so that it’s the right shape and as close in color as possible to the tooth it’s meant to augment. The resin bonds to the tooth, which is where the procedure derives its name.


Our team here at integratedDENTAL can do a lot with bonding. This procedure allows us to:

  • Improve the look of damaged or discolored teeth
  • Change the shape and color of a tooth
  • Repair minor tooth chips
  • Protect exposed tooth roots
  • Lengthen teeth
  • Close gaps in teeth


Compared to other cosmetic dental options like veneers, bonding is simpler and more economical. The procedure for cosmetic bonding sometimes only needs one appointment, while veneers may need more than one visit since they are crafted in a dental laboratory. Bonding however does not have the same longevity as dental veneers and the bonding resin can stain over time.


You should make sure you have a dental cleaning before the bonding procedure, and unless we’re filling a decaying tooth there is usually no need for anesthesia. The first step is to determine which color of composite most closely resembles the color of your natural tooth. We will do this with a shade guide.

The cosmetic specialist at integratedDENTAL will then roughen the surface of the tooth to improve the bond of the resin composite to the tooth, and then apply a conditioning liquid to the tooth. This liquid is meant to ease the process of attaching the bonding material, which is a resin that resembles putty and is the same color as the tooth to which it’s applied.

Then your specialist at integratedDENTAL will apply the bonding material, making adjustments until the right shape is achieved. An ultraviolet light is used to harden the bonding material, and afterward, the final shaping of the tooth will be completed. The next step is to polish the bonding until it looks like the rest of the tooth. This entire process is quick and painless.


While the composite resin used for bonding resembles a natural tooth, it isn’t as strong. Proper oral care will extend the life of your bonding, so brush and floss your teeth twice each day, eat a healthy diet, and schedule dental exams and cleanings twice a year. You should also refrain from biting your nails, chewing hard objects or using your teeth as tools, as doing so can damage the resin and cause the bonding to chip. You can also stain the resin by drinking beverages like tea, coffee and red wine, as well as tobacco usage, so we recommend limiting your consumption of these substances. But no matter how well you care for it, your bonding will most likely need repair/replacement after several years.

New patient special!

$145 Cleaning, Exam & X-Rays

Take advantage of our new patient special, which includes a cleaning, x-rays, and exam!