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Jaw & Gum Resorption


Resorption is a complication where part of the body absorbs another part. It will occur differently depending on what kind of tissue is affected.

Your teeth perform many functions, such as biting, chewing, and aiding you in speaking. Your teeth also have other roles that aren’t quite as obvious, such as maintaining the structural integrity of your mouth. Your teeth are supported by the underlying jawbone and the tooth roots stimulate the underlying jawbone and keep it healthy. If the jawbone is properly stimulated, it will send signals to the rest of the body to send nutrients to the jawbone so it can remain healthy and strong.

If a tooth is extracted or lost, the underlying bone is no longer stimulated. The jawbone will receive fewer nutrients from the rest of the body and thus begin to lost vitality. If you lose multiple teeth, the jawbone will atrophy and cause your facial features to sag.


We can address jaw resorption by replacing your missing teeth, but NOT all tooth replacement options will do this.


Dentures are the most widely known tooth replacement option and they are much more affordable compared to other options. However, dentures do not and cannot address resorption of the jaw. This is because dentures rest on top of the gum and are attached with an adhesive. They are removable. They do not penetrate deep down like your tooth roots once did.

If you opt for dentures to replace lost teeth, they will restore your ability to chew and speak but cannot provide your jawbone with the stimulation it needs. Instead, the pressure applied by the denture to the jawbone may actually accelerate bone resorption. So if you want to fix resorption, you’re going to need to pick a different option.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are made of a metal post, a prosthetic porcelain tooth, and an abutment that connects them. The post is made out of titanium or another similar metal that is biocompatible, meaning that the body reacts favorably towards it instead of rejecting it as a hostile substance. The post is surgically inserted into the jawbone, and over the next few months, it will bond with the bone in a process called osseointegration.

Once osseointegration is complete, we will attach the prosthetic crown (or in the case of the integrated4 Solution, the bridge of teeth). Dental implants offer not only the ability to restore the form and functionality of your original teeth, but the posts will penetrate the jawbone to give it that much-needed stimulation, so it stays healthy. This is something that dentures cannot do.

Jaw and gum resorption will negatively impact your oral health, appearance, and quality of life. Don’t let this happen to you. If you’re experiencing this problem or have lost teeth, set up a consultation with us so we can discuss your treatment options.

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