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All-on-4® Implants FAQ

All-on-4® Dental Implants FAQ

An informed patient is empowered to make the best decisions regarding their health. Below are frequently asked questions regarding the integrated4 Implant Solution for you to use a resource. Schedule your consultation today for the opportunity to ask the experts any questions you may have and see if the integrated4 Solution is right for you.

Can you use the implants I already have?

Possibly. Every effort will be made to repurpose existing implants for the integrated4 Solution. However, if the position of your existing implants do not favor the integrated4 Solution, if the implants do not have good bone support, and/or if the implants are so old that compatible parts are no longer manufactured, then we most likely won’t be able to use your old implants. Instead, the old implants will be removed and new ones will be placed in the proper planned position for your new durable, aesthetic, custom smile.

How is the team of specialist at integratedDENTAL qualified to perform the integrated4 Solution?

The doctors involved in offering the integrated4 Solution include Dr. Alan Jurim, specialized in digital CAD/CAM dentistry, Dr. Barbara Jurim, a Prosthodontist, and Dr. Brandon Katz, a Periodontist. With over 10 years combined specialized advanced training, this team has the exceptional skill set to provide all the surgical and restorative steps in the integrated4 Solution. We invite you to click on each provider’s name to learn more how this special team is shaping the burgeoning field of digital dentistry.

How does your facility compare to other facilities that claim to perform a similar All-on-4® procedure? 

integratedDENTAL is possibly the most digitally advanced dental office in America, and has an on-site digital dental laboratory. The integrated4 Solution is possible at integratedDENTAL due to the intimate collaboration and control we have over the on-site manufacturing of your permanent smile. Unlike most dental offices that must outsource their laboratory work, the integrated4 Solution by integratedDENTAL is a quicker, better treatment due to the control our doctors have throughout every step in the entire process. Click here for more information on our digitally-advanced facility.

What is the difference between the integrated4 Solution and the All-on-4® procedure?

The integrated4 Solution is an entirely digital workflow offering a permanent bridge in less than 48 hours made of a durable, strong, and lifelike materials. Because of the materials used in the integrated4 Solution, it is the best at recreating a natural looking smile that will service you for many years to come. The All-on-4® procedure requires multiple visits over months of treatment and requires wear of a temporary denture during this time. Most corporate dental centers offering an All-on-4® type treatment provide a hybrid bridge as the final solution to the patients which are very high-maintenance because they are prone to fracturing. The integrated4 Solution is nearly indestructible while being highly aesthetic, and in the event it needs to be replaced the saved digital design file is used to quickly and exactly reproduce the final restoration.

How many days does it take to complete the integrated4 Solution?

Unlike other All-on-4® type of procedures that can take upwards of 6-12 months, the entire integrated4 Solution is completed in less than 48 hours! Click here for more information on the streamlined steps for the integrated4 Solution.

How can you give me a new smile so fast when others say I need up to a year before getting my permanent teeth?

Single implants normally take between 3-12 months to fully integrate into the bone. The integrated4 Solution treatment protocol is designed for the implants to gain primary stability and then be splinted together by the prototype bride to brace them while healing over the next several months. Without this splinting effect, the implants would be subject to mirco-movement which could result in their failure to properly heal and osseonintegrate.

What is the difference between the All-on-4® Treatment at integratedDENTAL and corporate dental centers?

Corporate dental centers offering All-on-4® Treatment Concept are not focused on the needs of the individual patient. Instead, they are much like impersonal factories looking to treat as many patients as possible for the least amount of expense. Their high-dollar advertising costs and need to meet monthly quotas often lead to highly aggressive sales tactics. The end result is patients are left with subpar final teeth made of lesser quality materials.

At integratedDENTAL, the best interests of our patients come first. Personal attention is given to each of our patients to make sure we provide a customized treatment solution that is best for them. For this reason, unlike other All-on-4® Treatment Concept solutions, the integrated4 Solution involves the placement of up to 6 implants if it is of benefit to a patient at no added cost. There is no comparison between the compassion, devotion, experience, and digital technology the integratedDENTAL team offers to all our patients.

What will my final smile look like?

The desired look and color of your new teeth will be discussed at length with you prior to your surgery visit. We will review with you a digital smile library of looks to choose from with the option for your new smile to be digitally simulated. We encourage patients to bring in pictures of smiles they love for us to refer to when digitally designing their new teeth. By using digital manufacturing, we are best able to try to meet your cosmetic goals so long as they can also provide proper function.

Do I have to record videos or have my before and after pictures publicized?

Absolutely not. Each and every one of our patients featured on our website willingly agreed to be profiled because they wanted to share with the public exactly how life-changing beneficial the integrated4 Solution has been for them.

What specialties does the team at integratedDENTAL include, like Oral Surgeons, Periodontists, or Prosthodontists?

The team offering the integrated4 Solution at integratedDENTAL is comprised of a periodontist specialized in surgery, a prosthodontist specialized in digital full-mouth prosthetic reconstructions, and certified laboratory dental technicians specialized in CAD/CAM manufacturing. The digital treatments involved in the integrated4 Solution mean better, safer, and more precise results in fewer visits. Click here to see more about the integratedDENTAL team of specialists.

Do I have to record videos or have my before and after pictures publicized?

Absolutely not. Each and every one of our patients featured on our website willingly agreed to be profiled because they wanted to share with the public exactly how life-changing beneficial the integrated4 Solution has been for them.

What do I do if I am terrified of the dentist?

We understand that most patients have ended up in need of an All-on-4® style treatment due to a severe dental phobia that has prevented them from receiving regular dental care. For the integrated4 Solution, we offer different levels of oral conscious sedation and IV sedation by a certified dental anesthesiologist to make receiving the treatment possible. Sit back totally relaxed, painlessly undergo treatment, and wake up to this life-changing possibility.


Should my teeth first be extracted before considering the integrated4 Solution?

For those patients who still have teeth and are interested in the integrated4 Solution, it is not necessary for your existing failing dentition to be removed prior to signing up. Instead, it is actually preferred that our team be the ones to remove your teeth because we understand the importance of extracting the teeth as atraumatically as possible to preserve bone. Our protocol involves the careful removal of your teeth and the guided placement of your digitally planned implants at the same visit, with you receiving your teeth in less than 48 hours, all for one fee!

How are implants placed during the same visit as the teeth extractions?

The advanced digital surgical planning involved in the integrated4 Solution allows us to remove your failing dentition and place implants at the same visit in healthy sites between the extraction sockets. By digitally planning the placement of your implants into virgin, healthy bone we can place them at the same visit as when teeth are removed with confidence that we will achieve good primary stability of the implants to support your new bridge. And since your new bridge is supported entirely by your implants and doesn’t sit on the extraction site and your healing gums, most patients experience minimal postoperative pain.

How long is the surgery?

Depending on whether you are receiving the integrated4 Solution for one or both jaws, the entire surgical visit will typically take about 2.5-5 hours. The lab portion of the visit will typically take another 1-3 hours.

Can any complications occur?

As with any surgical procedure, complications are a reality. These will be reviewed in detail with you before your surgery.

How painful is it?

The majority of patients return for their post-operative visit reporting minimal discomfort and disruption of their daily lives. While most discomfort will subside after 3 days, it is reasonable for patients can expect to be sore for the first 2 weeks. This is managed with prescribed medications that minimize swelling and pain.

Will I be sedated?

Every integrated4 patient is offered the option of oral conscious sedation and IV sedation. Oral conscious sedation is performed by certified licensed dentists and involves the administration of a combination of medicines by mouth to help relax the patient to a “twilight” state from which s/he will awake once the procedure is completed without any recollection of the surgery. For patients with severe dental phobias, IV sedation is more appropriate as the patient will be allowed to sleep through the entire procedure. IV sedation is performed by a certified dental anesthesiologist who will monitor your vitals and ensure you remain comfortable and pain-free throughout the entire procedure.

What medications will I need to take?

When you sign up for the integrated4 Solution, you will be prescribed medications to help prevent possible infection, swelling, and post-operative pain. They should be taken exactly as prescribed for the specified time.

I have been told don’t have enough bone for implants. Now what?

The digital 3D x-ray planning involved with the integrated4 Solution allows us to place your implants into sites where bone is available at the proper angulations to support your bridge, avoiding the need for additional surgeries like a sinus lift. This makes the integrated4 Solution protocol less invasive and faster than traditional implant bridges.

What if I have diabetes?

Uncontrolled diabetes is a big risk factor that can increase the chances of implant failure by up to 30%. For this reason, diabetic patients that would like the integrated4 Solution will need to have a medical clearance verifying their HBA1C level is stable indicating good diabetic control. This ensures the best chance of treatment success by minimizing the risk of post-operative infection and implant failure.

What if I am a smoker?

Smoking increases a patient’s risk for many medical problems. In addition to this, however, it limits the blood supply to your oral tissues and delays wound healing. Smoking can, therefore, increase the time it takes for implants to heal and may increase the risk of infections. You must stop smoking 30 days prior to surgery. Smoking is detrimental to implants and voids all warranties. For help on quitting smoking, visit


What are the post-operative instructions I need to follow after my surgery?

Comprehensive post-operative instructions can be accessed by clicking here.

Will food trap under my new teeth?

As your gum tissues heal following your surgery, it is likely that a space will open up between your implant-supported bridge and your gums. This spacing is where food may trap, and it is imperative you use a Waterpik twice daily to keep underneath your bridge as clean and healthy as possible. About 4-6 months after your surgery, final impressions of your healed tissues will be made to adapt your bridge so it fits intimately to your healed gums to best prevent food trapping. Food trapping will remain a possibility, and for this reason keeping a strict oral homecare routine with the Waterpik® and adhering to your prescribed implant maintenance program is essential to the longevity of your implants and the integrated4 Solution.

What can I eat after my surgery day?

Adhering to a soft diet, especially within the first 6 weeks of surgery, is key to the successful healing of your implants. It is imperative you take great care not to bite into any food items that are excessively hard, like bones, pits, nuts, etc., all of which could traumatize the healing implants and result in their loss.

What do I have to do at home to clean and care for my new teeth?

Week 1 – Immediately following receiving the integrated4 Solution, you should begin a strict oral homecare routine that involves rinsing 2x day with the prescribed mouth rinse (Peridex) and gently brushing the teeth with the soft bristle electric toothbrush we provide to you.

Routine Oral Homecare after Week 1 – It is imperative you follow a strict oral hygiene homecare routine after receiving the integrated4 Solution implant prototype bridge to ensure the longevity of this treatment. We recommend you adhere to the following routine at least 3x day: First use the Waterpik® (preferably after every meal) to remove any food that may trap under your bridge. Then brush your bridge, preferably with a soft bristle electric toothbrush for 2 minutes total brushing time. Failure to keep to this oral homecare routine will result in food remaining trapped under your bridge and subsequent plaque build-up which can jeopardize the health and longevity of the supporting implants.

How often should my new teeth be professionally cleaned?

Just like with natural healthy teeth, your new bridge should be professionally cleaned every 6 months to ensure the health of your implants and longevity of the integrated4 Solution. Failure to adhere to your prescribed implant hygiene maintenance program will void your eligibility for our integrated4 Solution Warranty.


What types of dental implants are placed for the integrated4 Solution?

The implants used for the integrated4 Solution are FDA-approved and made of medical-grade titanium. The different implant manufacturers used include Straumann, Nobel Biocare, and MIS, all of whose implants have proven clinical success and integrate into the digital workflows and CAD/CAM restorative process used in the integrated4 Solution.

What guarantee is there on dental implants and the integrated4 Solution?

Even the most predictable treatments have risks. The integrated4 Solution warranties that in the rare instance of an implant failure, the implant removal, implant replacement, and any additional corrective procedures will be completed a no extra cost to the patient.

The integrated4 Solution final bridge is warrantied for a period of service of 5 years. However, with proper home care and in-office maintenance, the patient can expect the integrated4 Solution bridge to last much longer. Within the warranty period, any issues due to workmanship will be repaired at no cost.

Limitations of the integrated4 Solution Warranty
Any dental implants that fail to properly heal and integrate will be replaced at no cost, one time only. In order for the warranty to remain in effect, integrated4 Solution patients must adhere to their prescribed hygiene maintenance program and annual implant examinations with x-rays. The warranty does not apply to those patients that begin/continue to smoke or who have/develop uncontrolled systemic diseases, including but not limited to: diabetes, autoimmune disorders, severe osteoporosis, conditions requiring prolonged steroid use. If smoking or a medical condition is suspected as the cause of implant failure or other complications requiring treatment, then an examination and blood tests will be needed to validate warranty eligibility.

What are integrated4 final bridges made of?

The integrated4 Solution bridge is made of FDA-approved medical biomaterials like Pekkton, Zirconia, and e.Max. These materials offer strength and durability while best recreating the aesthetics of a natural smile.


How much does the integrated4 Solution cost?

Contact our office at 631-440-2808 to receive the most current pricing for the integrated4 Solution.

What payment options are available with the integrated4 Solution?

In an effort to make the integrated4 Solution an option available to everyone, many different payment options exist. We accept all major Credit Cards, Cashier Checks, and Bank Checks. We also accept Personal Checks, Wire Transfers, and Third-Party Financing (2 weeks prior to surgery).

When is payment due in full?

Payment in full is due at the time of surgery. Payments must clear 2 weeks before scheduled surgery when paying with personal check, wire transfer, or third-party financing. A 10% case deposit is required to schedule your surgery.

Is any part of the integrated4 Solution covered by insurance?

As a courtesy to the patient we will submit claims to your dental insurance. Dental extractions are typically a covered service whereas dental implants are not. No guarantee is made as to the procedures covered by your dental insurance and the amount they will reimburse you for the integrated4 Solution treatment. You can expect to receive any refund 30-60 days after your surgical visit.

Rarely does medical insurance cover dental procedures, and primarily only in the event of an accident resulting in the need for treatment. We encourage you to contact your medical insurance carrier to see what coverage, if any, you can expect.

Can I apply my HSA (Health Savings Account) towards payment?

Absolutely! Funds withdrawn from your HSA are tax-free when used to pay for a qualified medical expense as defined by the IRS Tax Code Section 213(d). The funds must be used to ease or prevent a physical or mental defect or illness. This includes dental problems. For more information, we encourage you visit the IRS website Medical and Dental Expenses. It is your responsibility to see if the IRS has modified the list of eligible medical expenses. As always, we recommend you consult with your tax advisor for any specific tax advice.

Is the cost of the integrated4 Solution tax deductible?

Maybe. We recommend you consult with your tax advisor for any specific tax advice.

Can I make payments online?

Coming Soon.

I cannot afford the integrated4 Solution, do you offer any help?

While we are able to offer the integrated4 Solution at a cost far below the national average because all treatment and manufacturing is completed onsite, we understand that it can still be too costly for some. If you sign up for our mailing list, we will have your information and you can indicate this to us. If in the future we are available due to scheduling and financials to work with you, or there is another avenue of treatment available, we will contact you. We can also discuss less-expensive treatment alternatives, including implant overdentures.


How do I schedule an appointment to get started?

Stop suffering right now and start living again by calling 631-440-2808 today!

You can also reach us via email by filling out our Appointment Request Form.

How far in advance is the clinic booked?

Even though the integrated4 Solution is a highly specialized treatment that requires much pre-planning, we understand how life-enhancing it is for patients. That’s why we work with each and every patient to begin their integrated4 Solution with little delay.

Why is a deposit needed to schedule my surgery?

We require a 10% deposit to schedule your surgery date because we are committing significant time and resources to plan and executing your treatment. This appointment is held solely for you and no other patients are seen during this time. A deposit helps safeguard against cancellations and helps to prevent delaying treatment for other patients anxious to get their integrated4 Solution started.

New patient special!

$145 Cleaning, Exam & X-Rays

Take advantage of our new patient special, which includes a cleaning, x-rays, and exam!