Managing A Broken Dental Crown
There are very few things in life as frustrating as dealing with dental problems. Between the anxiety and pain, there aren’t a lot of things that can match it. Some of the worst issues are when accessories or dental placements fail or break. This is especially true in the case of dental crowns. Crowns are […]
Reasons For Having A Dental Emergency Kit
Many homes are equipped with medical kits for treating cuts, bruises and fractures, but many don’t have kits for treating injuries and other problems in the mouth. Sometimes, teeth problems can arise from poor practices we did or didn’t know were harmful to our oral health, and other times, trouble might just come finding us. […]
How To Get Fillings No One Will Notice
At one time, dental patients could only get their teeth filled with amalgam or silver fillings. Unfortunately, while this filling material is durable, people easily notice it. As a result, some people did not have their teeth filled, but waited to have a more aesthetic restoration placed. Today, you can get your teeth filled with […]
What Is The Point Of Saliva In The Mouth
Saliva is composed of water, proteins, and electrolytes. These components are crucial in attaining the functions attributed to the saliva. The two key functions of saliva are: protecting the peri-oral and oral tissues, and facilitating speech and eating. PROTECTIVE FUNCTION OF SALIVA The mineralized tissues in the mouth are susceptible to attack because of its […]
How To Manage If Your Dentures Start To Slip Around
Dentures are designed to stay in place for a long time. After all, dentists use the impressions of your mouth to ensure that the dental appliance produced fit your mouth correctly. Nevertheless, as you continue to age, the structure of your jawbones and gums will change as well. When this occurs, your dentures will start […]
Tips For Giving Your Kids Sweets That Should Not Damage Their Oral Health
Sugar might be fun with it, but they are harmful to your child’s teeth. While your child might love sweets, the bacteria in your child’s mouth will love them even more. Bacteria that cause tooth decay thrive on sugars. As the voice of the family, you should limit the amount of sugar that the family […]
Why Do We Rely On Intraoral Cameras?
Intraoral cameras are regularly used in our practice because we know the importance of innovative dental technology. That is because the imaging allows us to show you what we plan to do and why treatment is necessary for a tooth or teeth in the mouth. The cameras allow you to see inside your mouth as […]
What You Need To Know About Jaw Bone Regeneration
When gum disease goes untreated for a long period of time, the jaw bone under the gums can begin to degrade. When this occurs, it can cause your teeth to shift or even become loose. It can cause your bite to change and, if enough of the bone degrades, may even change how you look. […]
Ways Of Overcoming Bruxism
Bad habits are hard to overcome; there is a reason why they are habits after all. People do things with even realizing it a lot of the time, especially for things such as biting your nails, playing with your hair and fiddling with a pen. Today we will be talking about bruxism, the act of […]
What To Do To Boost Graft Recovery Chances
If caught early, gingivitis is wholly reversible. However, as it progresses into a more severe form of periodontal disease, medical intervention may be required. One of the major signs of advanced gum disease is receding gums; once your gum tissue has been eroded away from gum disease, it cannot grow back. Gum graft surgery can […]